Workast is available on both Android and iOS mobile devices.
Android app
- Download the Workast Android app at the Google Play store here.
- Requires Android 4.1 or higher
iOS (Apple) app
- Download the Workast iOS app at the app store here.
- Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, some versions of iPad, and iPod touch.
Signing in to Workast mobile
- Click on the Workast mobile app.
- Enter your Slack team name.
- Sign in with your Slack login and password or via email. Please note that at this time, Google Suite sign on is not available. Google suite users must sign in via email.
- Grant the app permissions as needed.
- Scroll through the introduction screens.
- Click on the notification panel to either allow or restriction notifications on your device. (This can be changed at any time in your device's settings.)
- Continue to the app.