Reports are now known as "saved searches."  You can now search using a keyword and/or filters - including tags - plus have ability to save and download searches. 

Performing and saving keyword searches

  • To keyword search, type your keyword(s) in the red search bar at the top of the page.  You must include at least 3 characters in your search. Press enter
  • All open tasks with your keyword in the task title will appear.  Subtasks will also appear if you use the subtask task title - they will not appear if you only use words found in the parent task.
  • You can clear the search field by pressing the X button, or refresh it by pressing the refresh button
  • To save the search, click on the word "Search" and enter your search name, then click on "Save search."  Searches cannot be saved without names.  
  • Saved searches will appear in your left hand Workast taskbar.  You are able to change the search parameters, and re-save the task under the same name
  • The saved searches are "smart" - if another task is created or updated to fall within your search parameter, your saved search will automatically update to include that task.
  • To delete the saved search, click on the X next to it's name on the left-hand taskbar.

Performing and saving advanced searches

  • To perform an advanced search, click on "Search" at the top of the page, then select the Task Status filter that you would like to use (default is Open), then use + to add additional search parameters
  • All tasks within your parameters will appear
  • To save the search, click on the word "Search" and enter your search name, then click on "Save search."  Searches cannot be saved without names.  
  • Saved searches will appear in your left hand Workast taskbar.  You are able to change the search parameters, and re-save the task under the same name
  • You are also able to add a keyword to your advanced search

How to export your search results

To export your search results, click the download button after you have performed your search.  This will allow you to save your search results as a CSV file on your device.  You can then import the task information into Excel or another spreadsheet program.  

Exporting search results is a feature of Premium (paid) Workast teams.  

For more detailed information on searches, check out more about reports.