Updating your Slack team name will automatically update your Workast team name to match. Please allow up to 24 hours for the change to fully sync. However, if you want to change your team name to something different, or want to update your workast.io domain, we'd be happy to help.

Team name and domain name changes have to be done manually by our team.  To request a team name and/or domain name change, we'll require the following information sent by a team admin

  • Your current team name
  • Your current workast.io/com domain (yourteamname.workast.io/com)
  • Your new team name
  • If you'd like your workast.io/com domain changed, and if so, what you'd like it changed to

This information can be sent in a ticket by emailing support@workast.com.

*Please note that domain changes affect your existing task links. We will go over how your task links will be impacted with you before completing the change.  Team name changes do not affect task links and can be processed immediately.